Text: Acts 2:14-42 Title:
Date: April 6, 2008 Collaboration: Jimmy Skeen & Nancy Cantrell
Hear the word of the Lord from Acts 2:14. “Then Peter stood up …” That’s a familiar statement. Peter always stood up. He stood up for something or someone and sometimes stood up against something or someone. Peter was a man’s man. He was independent and intense. He was fierce and fiery. He would be your best ally at a hockey game. He was a good guy, a hard worker, and full of passion. Peter could be your best friend and worst enemy all at the same time. He was never afraid, rarely backed down, and always stood up for what he believed in.
Then Peter stood up …” Peter always stood up.
That’s always the result when we fight life’s storms without Jesus. In our own strength we are quickly overcome and so were they. But Jesus did what Jesus always does, he saw his people headed toward destruction and he ran to them, down the mountain, onto the shore, and out on the water. No boat and no jet ski just skipping across the lake!
When the disciples caught a glimpse of someone approaching on the waves they did what all brave, brazen blue collar workers do … They screamed like little girls! “It’s a ghost.” They were scared spit less (That’s the literal translation by the way J). Jesus spoke up and said, “Don’t be afraid. Take courage I am here.” Then Peter stood up. Leaving the eleven in their holy huddle he stepped to the front of the storm battered craft and said, “Lord if its you, tell me to come to you on the water” and Jesus says, “
“Then Peter stood up …” Peter always stood up. Jesus was in
“Then Peter stood up …” Peter always stood up. After the storm in the garden it picked up in the city. People were screaming, cussing, jeering, and laughing as the Son of God passed in chains. The city was no place for friends, family, or followers of Jesus. The blood thirsty crowd grew with each passing moment. They were not there for a trial they were for an execution. Sympathizers stood silent & defenders departed.
When Jesus was drug into the high priest’s home Peter got as close as he could. He warmed himself by a fire out in the courtyard. This was the front porch of the enemy. He was surrounded by a hateful mob and supported by no one. Yep, even here, all alone Peter stood up. But his success was short lived. And he crumpled into a whimpering heap under the question of one little girl. Three times he denied knowing Jesus and as the rooster crowed for the second time tears streamed down his cheeks. A load of guilt and embarrassment … you think Peter would learn.
“Then Peter stood up …” It’s almost a summary of Peter’s life. He stood up on a lake, in a garden and in the courtyard. Peter always stood up.
“Then Peter stood up with the other eleven…” Wait a second. Here is something different. Peter stood up with the other eleven? That’s not like Peter. He was independent, self reliant, capable of handling this world alone. He could fit right in with good ole’ Americans that cry, “Be your own man!” “Have it your own way!” “Keep your business to your self!”
But here he stood up with the other eleven. Hand in hand, arm in arm, and side by side they stood. This time when Peter stood up, there was no failure or falling. The same man who cowered in front of a little girl we see here in Acts chapter two boldly proclaiming the gospel.
As I look in the mirror and around this sanctuary I see Peter. Good hearted well meaning people who are willing to stand up. Just the fact that you are here testifies to your tenacity. You could have stayed in bed, watched the Royals, mowed your lawn but you didn’t. You stood up! Many of us have been standing up for years. But in our independence we see our intentions are good but often the results are not.
Oh, we are so like Peter.
Maybe you see the fallout of living the Christian life alone. You try with everything in you to overcome, to stand firm but your energy is quickly sapped, your resistance runs out and sin comes flooding back in. Your intentions are good but the results are not.
We are a lot like Peter.
It is if you try to do it alone…
But something happened to Peter at Pentecost. He obeyed Jesus, prayed fervently, was filled with the Holy Spirit and became community. Not just part of a community but with the others who had been filled became one. For the first time Peter didn’t rely on Peter. Oh, they had lived together, eaten together, laughed together but now every move they made for God was done in, by and for community. No longer would they try to stand up on their own, no more Lone Ranger. And the roller coaster days were over.
Now Peter stood up… stood up with the other eleven! He never backed down, they had his back. He never let up, they surrounded him with courage. On that day the
Are we there, do we find ourselves up and down, up and down? “I try to do devotions, I try to be nice, I try to quit,” what ever … only to fail. Could it be that we aren’t obeying Jesus, praying, filled with the Holy Sprit or living in community? Sure we know each other, we help each other, we even love each other but do we really stand up together? Do we even know when one of us is struggling. How many of us get sick and just tough it out on our own? How may of us have something that we need to break but won’t tell anyone? How many of our children won’t share their problems because they’ve learned from Mom and Dad to keep it quiet?
We do not have to live there, we do not have to go there and we certainly don’t have to stay there. The Holy Spirit has been poured out, it’s been given, He is here.
What will happen if we embrace this? I don’t know, you never know what might happen when the Holy Spirit is poured out. But when it happened for Peter and the others – the gospel was proclaimed and three thousand were added in one day.
This morning I want us to respond different than normal. If you’ve been up and down, up and down in any area of life. If you’ve been trying to do devotions and just can’t keep it up. You’ve been trying to pray but just can’t be consistent. If you’ve been trying to kick some habit or add a discipline to your life and just can’t seem to make it happen. If you have some sin that has you bound. If you are so busy you can’t even find time for your family much less the Lord. If you are carrying a burden: illness, lost loved one, anything. And are trying to do it alone then I’m asking you to stand. I am asking you to be real and authentic this morning to stand up right where you are. And folks I’ve just got to come down there and stand with you because I try to carry burdens myself just like you do. But no more, we either are one body or we aren’t.
Then I want any everyone who is standing to come together and support one another. The eleven and Peter stood up together under the power of the Holy Spirit and the world has never been the same! This is the day here in this church we stand up under that same power and are the community.
Church go forth to live out this Holy Spirit filled life in community, real and authentic with one another. Hand in hand, arm in arm and side by side!