Reading of the Text Matthew 21: 1-11 “Empty Praise”
What a great Sunday, sun shining, perfect… none of those present had ever experienced anything like it. It had started a couple of weeks earlier. It was at Lazarus’ tomb that the gathering crowd began to be noticeable. People had heard Jesus call and watched the wrapped, stinking body of Lazarus come forth. Jesus had hollered GET UP AND GET OUT; they had seen life in the face of death. This was naturally followed by people fainting, weeping, running, screaming, laughing, then the funeral band had began to play a lively tune and everyone started to dance. There weren’t any Nazarenes around so that was allowed. Twirling, side stepping and singing, even Jesus did a doe-see-doe. God had worked in their midst. That’s what praise is all about … or is it?
Coming through
The now growing group of believers put their most used and needed possession on that colt, the coat right off their back. Nobody gave up their cloak, they were expensive, it was your blanket at night, it was your rain gear, it was your winter apparel, it was your shade!
Then they lifted Jesus high into the air someone started to pour a water cooler full of ice on him but instead they placed him on the back of that donkey. They were carrying on like people at the Democratic Convention when they finally decide on one candidate. Balloons were going up in the air, loud music was blasting and somebody was playing a saxophone. That’s what praise is all about… or is it?
Coming into
They lined the street with palm branches, flowers, confetti and streamers.
This stir had thousands asking who is this, what’s happening here, I want to be in on it. So the mob got bigger with folks who just love a party, they had no idea what was going on or why. But where there’s dancing and the possibility of fun they just gravitate. You know IMAGE IS EVERYTHING I mean the excitement and anticipation was at a fevered pitch. That’s what praise is all about… or is it?
Jesus next stop was the temple, hoorah! It was time; he would announce his kingdom and the reign of the world by the Israeli people would begin.
Then, then unexpectedly Jesus went… crazy. Now wait just a minute David never did anything like this. This was the temple for heaven’s sake and Jesus was overturning tables and calling the everyday merchants robbers. He was chasing the sacrifices right out the door. This was no way to the top, didn’t Jesus know he was going to need the priest and the merchants to over throw the Romans. You can’t get to the throne by making enemies of people who are powerful. Suddenly, there was no longer a parade and the crowd began to scatter.
The chief priests and the scribes became angry and began to confront Jesus. Confrontation, I hate confrontation, I mean to be a real ruler why not just smooth things over, it never hurts to have friends in high places. Compromise, mediation it’s what savvy people do. These are the church leaders, Jesus can’t possible take them on; they know everything there is to know about scripture and God. They might throw Him or us out of the club. The singing became a whisper, the party ended and all that was left of the throngs were those who Jesus had helped, disciples and some children.
Everyday that week Jesus went to the temple. Everyday the people crowded in. Everyday they expected him to declare war on
But instead Jesus keeps talking about this weird kingdom where tax collectors go in ahead of theologians; throwing people into the darkness where there is gnashing of teeth, get real and loving your neighbor like yourself.
I thought this guy was the guy. I laid my coat on the ground for his donkey to walk on. I got splinters in my hands climbing up that palm tree. I let my kids join the parade. I clapped while we were singing! This must just be another scammer, he’s supposed to put the Romans in their place, punish the Samaritans, annihilate the Greeks, and you know do things the way I think they ought to be done. The way we have been taught, the way we understand. I thought this was about people getting what they are entitled too and no one having a problem with that.
And the crowds disappeared, no more quoting scripture. Coats were taken home and washed. Palm branches were burned to make supper. The donkey was returned. And finally no one was left but the twelve… the twelve in an upper room. Even that was weak… one disciple left dinner to sell Jesus out and the others swore a very short lived allegiance.
On Friday another crowd had gathered. But instead of throwing confetti, they were throwing accusations. Instead of walking behind Jesus on a donkey, they lead a chained prisoner. Instead of waving palms they slapped his face. Instead of friendship there was betrayal. No more singing only cursing. Instead of ousting the Romans they were appealing to their authority to kill the very one they had hailed as king. Praised by singing, dancing, quoting scripture, waving palm branches, obeying, giving offerings to, enjoying fellowship around … That’s what praise is all about… or is it?
Or is it?
Empty praise, empty praise… at some point we’ve all done it.
But full, authentic praise extends beyond what we feel. It definitely extends beyond how my week or my day has been. It extends beyond having little or much. Praise is when we look into the face of Jesus and realize He is the King, whatever that may look like. Praise happens when I live, move and have my being in Christ… not just on Sunday but everyday.
It is when I praise at home, at work, washing clothes, cleaning the toilet or preparing a meal. It is understanding that God inhabits praise. It is knowing that in every moment He is present. Praise is an expression of love and thanks to God. Praise is above anything we face: disappointment, brokenness, sin, happiness, contentment, any emotion or event. Praise is prayer, intimate and powerful BEING CLOSE ENOUGH TO GOD TO HEAR HIS VOICE. Praise recognizes forgiveness, ever given, and deliverance by the blood of Jesus.
Jesus rode into
Any action: singing, dancing, fellowshipping, helping, church going, giving, anything that is done for me, because of my preferences, my expectations, what happens to me, or about me will always be empty praise AND NOTHING GOD HAS CREATED IS MEANT TO BE EMPTY. Yet, these same actions when done solely because of Jesus are what makes praise real.
Authentic praise is understanding that Jesus body was broken for us to be restored to God (tear bread). Jesus and only Jesus alone is Redeemer. Authentic praise is realizing our sins are only forgiven because His blood was shed (hold up cup). Jesus and only Jesus is Savior. Come to the Table.
Praise is knowing personally (let me repeat that) Praise is knowing PERSONALLY, CLOSELY AND INTIMATELY the Ancient of Days, Burden-Bearer, Creator, Deliverer, Emmanuel, Faithful One, Good Shepherd, Healer, Immortal, Justifier, Keeper, Lamb of God, Messiah, Nurturer, Over-comer, Prince of Peace, Redeemer, Savior, Transformer, Unfailing, Victorious One,