Question/Comment on lesson #8
“This is interesting, because I have had conversations with people like this and I feel them drawing me into their act. The constant reminder that brings me back is, the question “is that what I want to be?” I try to understand but this is a constant struggle to try and help the person who speaks instead of ignoring them. Especially when it is directed towards me.”
Wow, you have spoken for all of us. I’m sure, at some point, we are all guilty of having been drawn into the conversation or even becoming the “blow hard” ourselves. Yet, I believe it is the Holy Spirit who checks us with that very question, “is that what I want to be?” At that point, we can evaluate ourselves, the situation, pray for forgiveness if needed and next time be even more sensitive to His voice. Now addressing a person who’s blowing and going on about something they don’t really understand. Sometimes, with some people, you can intervene in the conversation and re-direct it or even make corrections. Remember arguing never works, it didn’t even work with Paul. But be wary, there are people who will tell you the sky is pea green and no amount of proof will convince them the sky is blue. It is to these people Jude speaks to and warns us about. When the “blowing” is directed at us, we must consider who is saying it and why they may be saying it. Are they upset or angry, do they want to hurt us, are they very insecure? Once, to the best of our ability, we’ve considered them, then we can attempt to correct their statements. As I said, there will always be some people who will not receive correction, in that situation we simply pray the Lord will help them see His truth and help us not to be hurt.